I'm Abel Ronoh.
A Software Engineer based on the web. Building full-stack web applications with a focus on the overall architecture and the front end.
Featured Projects
SMART STUDY Almost Done.
This is a chrome extension that seamlessly generates summary and questions as you study your material, (e.g PDF), and displays it on a sidepanelsidepanel for you.
see it yourself

This is a chrome extension that seamlessly generates summary and questions as you study your material, (e.g PDF), and displays it on a sidepanelsidepanel for you.
see it yourself
This is a chrome extension that seamlessly generates summary and questions as you study your material, (e.g PDF), and displays it on a sidepanelsidepanel for you.
see it yourself

..see more..
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering at Zetech University
Zoomcamp Data Engineering bootcamp
DSA by VisualGo
Javascript by SoloLearn
Python by SoloLearn
Java by SoloLearn
C++ by SoloLearn
C by SoloLearn
HTML by SoloLearn
CSS by SoloLearn
Web Development Fundamentals by SoloLearn
Responsive Web Design by SoloLearn